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Architectural Home Design
Neuilly-sur-Seine, France
Data Centre in Ivory Coast

Design of a new Data Centre in Abidjan

With a population of over 20 million people and a very high birth rate, the Ivory Coast should see its population reach some 50 million people in the next few years. Today, only 800,000 people subscribe to the Internet which bodes demand will increase rapidly in terms of Internet services in the coming years. Moreover, any existing Internet services are served by systems that are very slow due to the inadequate infrastructure.
Designing Data Centres to evolve in a complicated context. v
To meet this growing demand, one of the major operators in the telecommunications sector in Africa has organised a competition to design and build its own data center near Abidjan. Eager to provide a guaranteed service, they also wanted to develop their own fibre optic cable network especially to offset the slowness of the existing system problems. Our teams intervened to bring our experience to the feasibility of this project. What type of data center? What technical constraints? What architectural solutions? What are the needs in terms of energy, ventilation and security? The interest of this project lay in studying scalable data centers that would track the evolution of a maturing market, particularly with the arrival of this operator. We had to integrate numerous constraints to find a project that performed well in a complex context.
Collaborating across multicultural teams.

Dans le cadre de ce projet, nos équipes ont été amenées à travailler avec des équipes multiculturelles, à comprendre le contexte particulier de ce client africain s'établissant en Côte d'Ivoire. Notre véritable atout dans cette mission a été liée à notre adaptabilité : structurer un projet associant plusieurs acteurs d'horizons différents et parvenir à concevoir un projet issu de la collaboration d'équipes multiculturelles.
Category: Technical Complexes  Type: Exterior  Views: 300  Date: 19/03/2024
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