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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Karachi, Pakistan
Sukh Chayn

Pixarch expertly exhibits the spectacular tower elevations. The unique features with drop off lane, open air balconies and canopied rooftop views represented by 360 degree angles are shown with the finesse at its height. Pixarch maintains the Sukh Chayn essence of serenity with a lush green expanse and scenic surroundings.

The marbled and wooden scopic passageways meander harmoniously around the well-designed decor and residential features for a lavish outlook. Each medium and material used retains its high quality with Pixarch’s photorealistic views. The wide to zoom-in angles depict Pixarch’s mastery to focus on the best angles for perfect precision and projection of the prestigious property, with an elegant enhancement, which adds to its market value.
Category: House Complex & Neighbourhood  Type: Interior  Views: 719  Date: 18/08/2023
Here you will find the projects and concepts of best architects and designers! The visualization and 3D modeling of these projects executed in various CAD applications. You may learn more about the author and his art-works by clicking on his name. Using the same way, you may go to 3D modeling and texture parts. All materials are free of charge., Project by Daniil Placida | Copyright Policy
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