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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
The Architectural Design of a Modern Villa in the Forest

Designing with no limits is every architect's dream, and when it’s combined with nature, like this project, it turns to something special. Our designers tried to do their best in creating something unique yet simple to combine with its surrounding.

Open space and Semi-open space are used in this project to create different experiences for the user. They can be used in different weather conditions to enjoy the beautiful natural surroundings of the project.

To enhance the interior and exterior connection, floor to ceiling windows are selected. These windows bring the breathtaking outside natural environment inside the house. The windows frames are in harmony with tree trunks, as they merge with the vertical pattern of trunks.

Something is interesting about villas like this design in the forest and the exclusive outdoor spaces that come with it. Finally, where else can you rest in a green atmosphere while enjoying your breakfast with a panorama view of the forest and river?

As you can see in the architectural rendering outcomes the terrace has a special design and, combined with its nature, instead of cutting a tree that was within construction area, we decided to combine it with a terrace and use it as a natural shade.

Interior space of this house is warm and cozy not like most of the modern spaces that are cold. Natural wood flooring connecting the outdoor forest to the interior space and simple furniture and accessories let you concentrate on nature through the floor to ceiling windows.

Proper lighting is also completing this beauty, an organic shape chandelier in the middle of the space for the main light and spotlight in the ceiling for focused and area lights.

The most attractive rooms in our homes are usually rooms with the largest openings. We believe that during the daytime the sunshine can improve the bedrooms atmosphere, but it’s very important to consider right curtains to be used during the night or when you need darkness to prevent excess light from the outside and thick cream color curtains will properly do same in this project. There’s something so cheering and fascinating about floor to ceiling bedroom windows.

Some of our clients prefer to have the openings behind their bed while many like to stare surrounding landscape as long as they’re resting in their bed. It’s a personal choice, but in this project and we can say that the best choice was the floor to ceiling windows in front of the bed looking to the dense and beautiful forest whether you are designing in nature like this project, or the urban landscape, we are a fan of large windows in the bedrooms.
Category: Private Houses  Type: Interior  Views: 826  Date: 12/08/2023
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