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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Sofia, Bulgaria
City Walk

Location: Dubai, UAE
Project: City Walk
Services: Visual renderings
Client: CallisonRTKL, Meraas

City Walk the perfect spot for tourist looking to experience the key attractions in the 4th most visited city in the world. Designed for comfort and convenience, super spacious and family-friendly rooms and ultra modern amenities.

City Walk Residential building 5 within City Walk will extend over a built-up area of 26,158 square meters in a ground floor plus six floors structure that houses a total of 66 apartments in various sizes and types.

The retail component at City Walk is set to comprise over 200 tenants. Leading brands from around the world have found a home in the destination’s sprawling retail area that spans almost one million square feet.

Serving as one of the anchors of the urban lifestyle destination, retail at City Walk welcomes families looking for a relaxed shopping experience and access to the best of local and global labels, including select brands that are making their Middle East debuts with flagship stores at the destination.
Category: House Complex & Neighbourhood  Type: Exterior  Views: 1066  Date: 13/01/2023
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