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Architectural Home Design
Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan
The concept of the project of the cars shopping centre in Bishkek city, Kyrgyz Republic.

1. The town-planning problem - a car market located on the western suburb of Bishkek city on one of the basic ways of entrance/departure from a city. It complicates motor transport movement on the road Chaldovar-Bishkek;
2. Absence of high-rise structures on the given area – offered object will be a reference point on the given district and will mark entrance to Bishkek city;
3. The unique form – principles of Kenzo Tange and the organic architecture;
4. Application of new technologies in processes of the trade in cars;

1. A space: static trading departments and a trading hall on each floor – the big space in which division into trading zones is carried out by means of transformed partitions;
2. A rhythm: a horizontal and vertical rhythm;
3. A corporality: two-layer constructions: outwardly – imitation of forms of organic architecture is reached by means of a covering by self-bearing constructions of the basic frame structure of a building; inside - constructions and the principles of their installation applied in Kyrgyzstan;
4. Processes: rendering of services in a choice and sale of cars and their accessories. Goods representation is made by means of holographic projections and other computer equipment;
5. A sign (according to interrogation of casual people): a snail, a spaceship, modern representation about the car, opera theatre in Sydney, fantastic characters from the film " Aliens";
6. The meaning: a reference point on district, commemoration of entrance to Bishkek city; unique object of architecture.

THE THESIS: the part of trading branch in Kyrgyzstan requires modernization.
THE PROOF: used principles of sale of cars in Kyrgyzstan are become outdated (in contrast with modern technologies) and create a number of problems: the car markets located in cities and near them occupy the big territory that is the undesirable factor because of possible expansion of the city. And it also creates problems for motor transport movement.
THE CONLUTION: the decision of the given problems is in use of new technologies – holographic projections and Equipment by computers the given branch in common. I see the future in that. As a result in the offered project it was possible to attain: in space – every possible transformation that can promote as well to a building reshaping; in rhythm – dynamism of a rhythm; in a corporality – representation of unity and a reality of the simulated constructions creating plasticity and harmony absolutely unique object of architecture; in the processes – mobility maintenance; in the sign – polysemy; in the meaning – the western panorama Bishkek city gets new shape.
Category: Other  Type: Exterior  Views: 3569  Date: 27/04/2010
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