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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Zurich, Switzerland
Siemens Restaurants Zurich The Siemens Restaurants were built following a successful architectural design competition and represent a new generation of staff catering facilities for the 2000 Siemens employees. In addition to offering a great choice of different foods, the variety of three restaurants and a cafeteria within the building enables visitors to choose where they wish to eat according to their mood on any given day. The building concept acknowledges people's desire to relax and mentally recharge in their lunch hour. The fully glazed fa?ade provides restorative and uninterrupted views of the water feature and modern landscaped gardens surrounding the building, while outdoor terraces invite relaxing al fresco summer dining.
Category: Leisure and Everyday  Type: Exterior  Views: 2632  Date: 03/10/2005
Here you will find the projects and concepts of best architects and designers! The visualization and 3D modeling of these projects executed in various CAD applications. You may learn more about the author and his art-works by clicking on his name. Using the same way, you may go to 3D modeling and texture parts. All materials are free of charge., Project by Daniil Placida | Copyright Policy
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