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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Erbil, Iraq
Each and every country must make plastic recycling a requirement! And there should be a system in place to collect them! The whole point of recycling plastics is to create a more sustainable world. But what if we build a recycling workshop out of a non-sustainable material? Is that sufficient to call it a viable idea? SRK is a recycling facility. 95 percent of it is made of structural rammed earth walls, a long-lasting and environmentally friendly material! The house is in Inarces, a village in the south of Budapest, Hungary, and the recreational site is for a donation and charity foundation. This workshop represents a ray of hope for all the poor people who will be involved in the construction of this project, which will provide them with jobs and opportunities in the future in the recycling of plastics.
Category: Technical Complexes  Type: Exterior  Views: 1006  Date: 16/02/2023
Here you will find the projects and concepts of best architects and designers! The visualization and 3D modeling of these projects executed in various CAD applications. You may learn more about the author and his art-works by clicking on his name. Using the same way, you may go to 3D modeling and texture parts. All materials are free of charge., Project by Daniil Placida | Copyright Policy
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