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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Centurion, South Africa
Crystal Investments

The building was the brain child of the CEO of OCD, who thought the office building headquarter should reflect not only the image of crystal investments but also act as a catalyst for the collation of the people of Abuja, with the inclusion of social spaces such as museums, art gallery reinforcing an active pedestrian axis, as well as auditoriums and modern office spaces
The Mixed use building was designed to limit the heat gain in the scorching Abuja sun, from the roof garden to the energy saving glass façade. The building offers high ceilings, promoting ample daylight, a variety of work spaces that compels people to work together such as team rooms, collaborative areas and break out spaces.
Category: Administrative  Type: Exterior  Views: 1305  Date: 01/10/2022
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