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Artwork Gallery - Interiors and Exteriors, Landscapes, Home Design Architectural Series
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Architectural Home Design
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Cozy Modern Bedroom Interior Design
For an important project like a bedroom interior design, you should think long enough, specifically about what is going to happen. This project is a great example of how to design a cozy and modern bedroom interior space. Bedrooms are the main part of the home for relaxation, where we all use to take a decent sleep, in the absence of the world and our concerns. The bedroom interior design is very vital to creating that immediate feeling of comfort.
In bedroom interior design the main issue that draws attention is the colors and patterns used on the interior walls. Also, flooring and bed must be comforting in light colors to create a soothing effect.
Our designers chose hardwood flooring for this project; Hardwood flooring is a beautiful flooring material for every home. As it is obvious, in our project, the image above, this material brings luxury and attractiveness into the bedroom.
Not only they are lovely and durable, but cleaning them is very easy, they are also an environmentally friendly choice for the flooring material. All spaces can be covered with hardwood flooring, as they come in different types and colors.
Best and the right choice of furniture and accessories for this bedroom was wooden furniture. Durable and visually beautiful, the wooden furniture will enhance the look of any bedroom in different design styles. The warmth and coziness added to this bedroom by natural wood will be vast. We believe that the attractiveness of Natural wood in addition to its benefits is timeless.
To bring out the furniture and accessories details our architectural visualization team kept walls color simple and bright. Some simple artificial light sources are placed combined with the natural daylight to provide enough light for space.
This bedroom is a great sample of combining the warmth of natural materials with the stylish accent of modern design.
Category: Apartments  Type: Interior  Views: 2533  Date: 06/07/2020
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