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Malatya City Hall, Malatya, Turkey
Malatya City Hall, Malatya, Turkey
Malatya's new City Hall is planned on a 60,000-sq-m plot of land facing two main boulevards. Its spatial organisation is the outcome of a delicate collision of geometries and styles. The 28,000-sq-m enclosed space building is made of three main parts: The avant-garde design of the ten-floor, 20,000-sq-m main block is conceived as a double-skin elliptical form with a full-height central atrium space. The office spaces at both sides are described as elliptical arcs. The five-floor, 5,000-sq-m, circular mayoral block is positioned towards the front plaza and the main road. It intersects with and merges into the elliptical block. Consequently, it looks both onto the external plaza and the internal atrium. Its style is a reinterpretation of the Turkish-Islamic traditional architecture that collides with the high-tech style of the rest. Attached to the mayoral block are the spiral-shaped city council room and the multifunctional hall below, which open respectively to the upper and lower ground levels at the atrium. The building works as one ‘total space'.
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 09/06/153 13:10
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