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The Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh
The Scottish Parliament, Holyrood, Edinburgh
The Scottish Parliament. Infamous for its ever rising cost, which pinnacled at £431 million, and for the 'chamber beam incident' of 2006 where an oak beam came loose from the ceiling of the Parliament's debating chamber. But despite it's failings, time has told that there is much more to the building than over-blown budgets and dubious woodwork.

Designed by late Catalan architect, Enric Miralles, construction of the building by EMBT/RMJM (Scotland) Ltd, a Spanish-Scottish collaboration specifically created for the project, began in 1999. The choice of architect, location, design and construction company were not without their detractors and Parliament management were severely criticised during the Fraser Inquiry into the handling of the project. Winning the Stirling Prize for Architecture in 2005 forced many people to view the building in a new light and appreciate its craftsmanship. Although the announcement that RMJM have been contracted to complete the 2014 Commonwealth Games village in Glasgow raised a few eyebrows.
Posted by: 3D-Archive | 10/06/1305 12:50
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